Our project was born from our deep routed female friendship as well as from our common desire to take care of women during important period of their lives such as pregnancy and motherhood. Our dream is to support and inspire as many women as possible on the path of this conscious journey.

About us
Never before has a woman been so lonely in childbirth as in the 21st century. From olden time and in all cultures, next to any labouring woman were other women of the family or wider community – mother, aunts, sisters, grandmothers. In addition, the profession of village “midwife” (i.e. being with woman) who supported women especially in postpartum space became quite popular to assist in the process. However, with breaking of the established fabric of society, the communal support was no longer possible and the profession of doula emerged.
A doula (or “dula”) (another Greek δούλη – servant or maid) is a trained companion or chaperone in supporting women through pregnancy, birth and postpartum with alternative holistic methods. They are not medical professional and their scope of work based on emotional and physiological support. They are often mothers themselves.
Doulas are relatively new concept in the UK and Doula UK was founded in 2001 with doula recognition process introduced in 2004. The purpose of the organisation was to create a UK-wide organisation for doulas, implementing formal training, mentoring and recognition of new doulas. There are around 700 registered birth and/or postpartum doulas in the UK.
Doulas provide continuous support for the whole family through pregnancy, birth and in the early days of parenthood. According to DoulaUK, research has shown that a constant supportive presence throughout labour results in:
- 50% reduction in Caesarean rates
- 25% shorter labour
- 60% reduction in epidural requests
- 40% reduction in synthetic oxytocin use (labour induction)
- 30% reduction in analgesia use
- 40% reduction in forceps delivery
Doula Services
The help that a doula can provide cannot be overestimated. She provides tailor made antenatal preparation, supports a birthing woman in labour and postpartum, advocating her interests, whilst creating a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the birthing room and working with midwives, obstetricians and other medical professionals to ensure smooth transitions.
Preparation for childbirth
Support during labour
Postpartum support
Breastfeeding help
postpartum closing ceremony

In the Press
One of the first doulas that my friends told me about was Alina Tyazhelova, a member of the @mamam.uk project, which unites Russian-speaking doulas in London.
“In anticipation of arrival of my first child, I attended yoga classes for pregnancy for six months, which were taught by a wonderful doula.
After classes, she offered us a chance to have a cup of tea and have a chat with various perinatal specialists or mothers, who had already given birth.
At the meetings, I learned about a variety of ways that can help during pregnancy and birth such as acupuncture, reflexology, breath work and much more.
So I directly experienced the importance of being helped and guided by other women during my journey to motherhood.
After the birth of my second child, I decided to follow the calling of my heart and started looking for an opportunity to help and support other women during their pregnancy and birth. This is how I became a doula,” Alina shared on the day we met.
“At some point, the structure of our society changed, people began to live at a distance from their community and family ties became broken, this is how doulas as a professional laywomen entered the world to fill the gap,” Alina explained.